
American Legion Post 184


Ladies Auxiliary Unit 184



             Our unit prides itself on being open to all to join and help us have fun as we support our Legion Family.  Just give us a call or come to a meeting to get started.  We are here to help.




             Unit 184 Ladies Auxiliary Officer 2014-2015




President Vikki Brinson                          912 344-8230c


1st Vice  Judy Hutchinson                           912 898-2091h


2nd Vice Janet Smith 912 844-6555c


Historian Judy Quinan           912 356-1391h


Chaplain  Kim Faxon 912 856-9724c


Treasurer Ethel Dyer 912 659-5386c/352-1916h


Secretary Nancy Tuttle 912 355-0739h/398-1586c


1st Sgt at Arms  Marcia Morgan 912 272-8786c


2nd Sgt at Arms  Betty Long 912 927-3332h




I want to thank each of you for your support in giving me the opportunity to serve as your President of the Auxiliary for the 2014/2015 term.  Our membership is steadily increasing and with that comes new energy, ideas, and projects. 


Let us not forget our primary goal is to support our Veterans, their families, and our community when the need arises, and it will.


Your officers and I are looking forward to an exciting and rewarding year.  United we stand.  Remember...let your blessings fill your heart. 


For God and Country,


Vikki Brinson, President  912 344-8230c








Gazette Pg 5