
American Legion Post 184


Paid Up For Life Membership - PUFL

Each year there is an increasing number of Legionnaires whose dues are already paid for the coming year and for every year thereafter as long as they live. They are Legionnaires who've voluntarily chosen to become Paid-Up-For-Life (PUFL) members under the American Legion National plan. The average Legionnaire is most apt to decide to become a PUFL member at the time when dues are usually paid for the coming year. Our next annual membership program begins every July for the next membership year. At that time you should receive a membership renewal notice from the National Office.

PUFL membership is not a discount program. The National Constitution & By-Laws of The American Legion is very clear that "there shall be no form or class of membership except an active membership, and dues shall be paid annually or for life." Everyone must pay their fair share to support the organization. The National Paid-Up-For-Life plan was established for convenience only, giving members an alternative to paying dues on an annual basis. Under the PUFL program, the part of the annual dues that the Post normally retains each year to cover its operation expenses, would be returned to the Post every year for all PUFL members.

Each PUFL member receives a permanent plastic card, as well as an annual paper membership card, directly from the National Office, to verify continuing membership in The American Legion. The annual card will be mailed in June or July of each year. Upon request, a replacement card can be provided at no charge to the member.

To become a PUFL member, you must be a member in good standing. This means that you must have a valid membership card for the current year. To get started, we suggest that you contact the Post's Adjutant by email at charlesblack1@comcast.net.and provide your name, address, membership number and date of birth. He will tell you how much the PUFL membership will cost so you can decide if you want to ensure continous membership without worries of forgetting to send the annual dues.