In 1945, military veterans of Chatham County, many of whom were members of Post 135, began the process to create an additional American Legion Post to continue their service to our community and nation in support of those who served and those still serving in our military.
The decision to organize an American Legion post resulted from the conclusion of these veterans that the American Legion was the most representative veterans' organization in this country. That conclusion has been proven true as today the American Legion is the largest wartime veterans' organization with nearly 15,000 local Posts throughout America and over 3 million members who care about America, veterans, their families and our nation's youth.
Decision was made by the attending veterans to file an application for an American Legion Post in Thunderbolt.
At an organizational meeting, a Certificate of Application for a Charter was presented. It was also decided at this meeting to organize a Post as soon as one hundred service men of Chatham County had indicated their desire to join the Post.
A committee was formed to name the Post and to honor those who paid the ultimate price for freedom. Therefore, the Post was named for SSG George K. Gannam, the first Savannahian killed on that "day that shall live in infamy," as described by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his speech before Congress declaring War on Japan for the December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor.
The sacrifice of SSG Gannam and all World War II veterans to preserve our nation and its freedom is remembered every year on December 7th, as it has been since 1946, by a ceremony conducted by Post 184 and the Cadets at Benedictine Military Academy, from which George K. Gannam, and many others graduated before entering service in World War II.
The George K. Gannam Post 184 was granted its charter on January 30, 1946.
Through the hard work of many, then-Commander James (Jimmy) Johnson presided over the dedication ceremony for the newly completed Post 184 Home at 1 Legion Drive, on June 16, 1972.
Affiliated Organizations
The Women's Auxiliary Unit 184 was has every reason to be proud of its Auxiliary, which gained statewide recognition because of its programs of service. Auxiliary members are always anxious and willing to cooperate in every Legion activity.
The Sons of the American Legion Squadron 184 is open to membership of sons and grandsons of veterans. They are a mainstay of the Post and give selflessly of their time and talent to support the Post in honor and memory of their fathers and grandfathers who served in our nations military, some of whom are also active members, and others who either paid the ultimate price for freedom or have seen their last reveille.
MEMORIAL DAY has always been an outstanding occasion in this community.
9/11 REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY, now called PATRIOT DAY, is held at 0845 each year on September 11, during with we remember the thousands of Americans murdered by terrorists, the billions of damages caused, and the heroic actions of our military, police and first responders. A Police Officer and Firefighter of the year is also recognized.
ARMISTICE DAY, now called VETERANS DAY, originally marked the end of fighting in World War One. It is an important holiday on the calendar of Legionnaires everywhere and in the hearts of all veterans in the Savannah / Chatham area. Post 184 participates, and members are welcome to join, in the Veterans Day Parade in Savannah, which is conducted by the Veterans Council of Chatham County. Post 184 volunteers it Post Home for the annual Veterans Day Banquet, hosted by Veterans Council.
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